Opening at 12, March 4!


We will delay our opening until noon today due to the snow storm. Open 12-5 March 4!

The coffee will be hot and the staff is looking forward to seeing you! 


Need a gift idea for Mother’s Day?

Give mom a fun and special day–here are 6 easy steps FOR THE WIN this Mother’s day…

  1. Bring her to Four Echoes at Grist Mill Pond to stroll and reminisce the unique and vintage treasures around every corner.
  2. Buy her a beautifully handmade gift at the Mother’s Day display.
  3. Introduce your mom to any one of the Four Echoes team.
  4. Get a FREE greeting card to tell her “THANKS!”
  5. Take a photo together to capture your special day.
  6. Grab lunch at the lovely Old Grist Mill Tavern next door.

Here’s a hint…moms want the gift of your time. We’d be honored if you included us in your special time together. Mother’s Day is just around the corner…don’t wait!