sales, Sales, SALES!!!

You will not believe the savings this weekend at Four Echoes at Grist Mill Pond! The sale signs are hung and the excitement is building. 
We’re celebrating our first year in business and thanking our customers…special savings throughout the shoppe, prizes, refreshments, photobooth, and more! Shop Saturday 9-5, Sunday 12-5, and Monday 12-5.
Tell a friend–they’ll thank you for it!

500+ Facebook LIKES!

Woohoo! Might as well add this to our celebrating this weekend! Thanks for spreading the word about Four Echoes Vintage Shoppe…we just reached 500 Facebook followers! Let’s make it 600 by the end of our Birthday Celebration Weekend! Share our page with your friends and invite them to be part of the Four Echoes Story. Stop by this weekend and tag us with a photo in the Four Echoes Photobooth for an additional raffle ticket for prizes!