UPDATE: The Giving Wreath

We’re so proud of all of you and so grateful to our amazing customers and vendors…

Through our Giving Wreath effort and Christmas Family Sponsorship donations we were able to sponsor 5 families in need this Christmas: EVERYTHING on their Christmas lists from proper winter weather gear to the latest “must have” toys to an infant car seat. With your help we raised and contributed over $1500 toward making children’s Christmas dreams come true. We thank you for partnering with us to make a difference in our community. 

To learn more about The Giving Wreath Christmas Sponsorship, read more below:

We’re excited to be kicking off The Giving Wreath fundraiser for Christmas season 2019. For a $25 donation, you can choose a uniquely decorated, fragrant, 24″ evergreen wreath.

Not only will these beautiful wreaths bring Christmas joy to your home, but they will bring Christmas joy to the homes of children-in-need in Pawtucket, RI. Here’s how The Giving Wreath works:

  1. You purchase a wreath for $25 donation (you can find them hung throughout the shoppe)
  2. Four Echoes Matches your $25 donation
  3. The matched donation + all proceeds from each wreath will support the Christmas Family Sponsorship–we’ll purchase Christmas presents for several families-in-need from the Baldwin Elementary School in Pawtucket, RI.

Additional ways you can participate:

  • Choose a symbolic “gift” from our display to donate at a price point that fits your giving budget–under $25 (we’ll do the shopping for you with your donation)
  • Give a cash donation to support the Christmas Family Sponsorship initiative



The Giving Wreath

We’re excited to be kicking off The Giving Wreath fundraiser for Christmas season 2019. For a $25 donation, you can choose a uniquely decorated, fragrant, 24″ evergreen wreath.

Not only will these beautiful wreaths bring Christmas joy to your home, but they will bring Christmas joy to the homes of children-in-need in Pawtucket, RI. Here’s how The Giving Wreath works:

  1. You purchase a wreath for $25 donation (you can find them hung throughout the shoppe)
  2. Four Echoes Matches your $25 donation
  3. The matched donation + all proceeds from each wreath will support the Christmas Family Sponsorship–we’ll purchase Christmas presents for several families-in-need from the Baldwin Elementary School in Pawtucket, RI.

Additional ways you can participate:

  • Choose a symbolic “gift” from our display to donate at a price point that fits your giving budget–under $25 (we’ll do the shopping for you with your donation)
  • Give a cash donation to support the Christmas Family Sponsorship initiative



Shop small, make a BIG impact

When you shoppe small local businesses, you help support your local economy. When you shoppe at Four Echoes Vintage Shoppe, you actually make a BIG impact on your community.  Did you know that our proceeds help fund programs like SHINE KidsKlub, a program that supports children with special needs and their families, our homeless re-acclimation program, and Emerge, a mentor program for youth aging out of foster care? Together, we are making a difference in our community. Shop Small on Small Business Saturday, November 30, and throughout the year, it really does matter!


SoleCare: Homeless Shoe Project

One of the four initiatives of Town Square Partners (the outreach ministry of Stone Coast Community Church) is bringing hope and dignity to homeless individuals in our community. We do this through several projects throughout the year in various forms. A need of the homeless that often goes unmet are properly fitting, safe footwear. We have teamed up with Matthewson Street Church, who feed dozens of homeless folks weekly, to gather names, sizes, and desired shoe type of the homeless in Providence, RI.

This Easter season, we are striving to provide new shoes to over  100 people in need in Providence. You can be part of bringing dignity and hope to those in need by donating to this cause. Here’s how:

1. Stop by Four Echoes at Grist Mill Pond and visit our SoleCare Display.

2. Choose a name of a person with a corresponding pair of new shoes (we did the shopping for you).

3. Write a note of encouragement and hope to your recipient.

4. Bring the shoes to the front desk and donate $25. (If you can not afford to provide the full $25, you may donate any denomination to this project–together we can make a difference.)

5. We’ll distribute the shoes to each person at the community breakfast at Matthewson Street Church on April 14.

Four Echoes is proud to team up with our customers and vendors to make a difference in our community. Thank you for being part of our mission!

Make a BIG impact

Not that there’s anything wrong with the BIG chain stores, but when you shop at Four Echoes and other local small businesses, you are making a BIG IMPACT on real lives in your community.

Four Echoes proceeds go to programs to help homelessness, foster care, and underprivileged youth right here is southeastern New England. We care about our community and want you to be part of making a difference. Shop with us this Saturday and all year long to make a BIG impact and become part of our story.

You can find something unique for everyone on your Christmas list this year–from vintage toys to collectible coins to one-of-a kind paintings (and nearly anything in between). We have new items added daily by our 100+ vendors, so stop by often.

Four Echoes Supports: BAGS OF HOPE

Four Echoes at Grist Mill Pond partners with various organizations who are making a difference in our community. One local organization is Bags of Hope in Seekonk, MA.

“Bags of Hope is an annual orphan care project that provides Duffle bags to children in Foster Care, embroidered with their name and filled with age appropriate comfort items (i.e. Pillow Pets, journals, fleece blankets, etc…) Often times children in foster care store their personal belongings in a trash bag. It is the goal of Bags of Hope to replace these trash bags with Duffle bags.”

Bags of Hope given bags to over 10,000 children in local Massachusetts & Rhode Island Foster Homes. Every year since they started they have at least doubled their number from the year before! Bags of Hope has partnered with over 30 local churches and organizations to help make this possible.

Stone Coast Community Church and Four Echoes at Grist Mill Pond is excited to partner with such an impactful and compassionate organization like Bags of Hope. Join us to be part of a movement that brings hope and dignity to children in foster care. Your $25 ornament purchase will provide a personalized duffle bag filled with comfort items for a child.
These make great Gifts with a Cause for your family and friends. You can purchase ornaments at the shoppe or contact us for more information at 508.336.0800. 



Four Echoes supports Greenlock Therapeutic Riding Center

Four Echoes at Grist Mill Pond is a non-profit Vintage Shoppe and Donation Center. Our vision is to seek justice, create beauty, and build relationships with God and with others. We do this through three major initiatives: by serving the poor, providing hope to the next generation, and offering compassion and dignity to those who are marginalized in our society. In addition to our own programs, we partner with organizations in the community who are already at work making a difference in these areas.  

Greenlock Therapeutic Riding Center in Rehoboth, MA is one such organization. Greenlock “utilizes equine-related activities for the therapy of individuals with physical, developmental, and emotional differences.” The need is great with the population they serve and they make it their mission to keep fees affordable to maximize their reach.

Stone Coast Community Church has had the pleasure of partnering with Greenlock in various support roles such as painting their facilities, building fences, and cleaning trails. Annually, they host the Gallop for Greenlock 5K & 1 Mile Family Fun Run/Walk fundraiser to support their mission. We invite you to participate in this fantastic family event, October 14, 2018. Some fun ways to support Greenlock is to run as an individual or as a team or volunteer to help at the event. For more information and to register, please visit their website.  You may also make a donation at Four Echoes to support Gallop for Greenlock.

Four Echoes supports Baldwin Elementary School, Pawtucket, RI

One of Four Echoes’ outreach programs is Baldwin Elementary School in Pawtucket, RI. As you all know, teachers provide much of the supplies needed to run a classroom–out of their own pocket. We help provide bags full of supplies for each classroom to support the teachers who work tirelessly to invest in the youth in our communities.

YOU can be part of our mission by making a donation to help us fill a bag for a teacher. Together we can make a difference in our community!

Outreach Highlight: Courageous Kids Summer Program

Four Echoes at Grist Mill Pond Vintage Shoppe is a non-profit organization. Our income is derived from vendor rents, sales of merchandise that is donated to us, and financial contributions. Are you curious about where Four Echoes proceeds go? Here’s one community outreach program that’s launching today!

Courageous Kids: Stand Up to Stand Out is a week-long summer program held in the Bristol Common is Bristol, RI for children in the community. Courageous Kids encourages and reinforces the values of being a neighbor of character. The children and families of our community will experience fun-filled and enriching opportunities to practice being a good neighbor, exhibit good sportsmanship, prepare themselves to persevere through challenges, exercise self-control and understand that being courageous doesn’t mean being the best, it means being proud to be YOU.

Children will receive a meal each evening provided FREE by local eateries! The program will conclude with a family cookout provided by Just One Lunch Ministries and a family movie night on Friday evening at 7:30 open to the public.

This program is a collaboration of Town Square Partners of Stone Coast Community Church, Mount Hope Community Church and Bristol Health Equity Zone and numerous community sponsors. When you lease space at Four Echoes Vintage Shoppe, shop at our store, and donate to our cause, you are part of making a difference right in our local communities! Thank You!

For more information on Courageous Kids: Stand up to Stand Out or how to be part of our mission to meet needs in the community, please email us at info@townsquarepartners.org.