sales, Sales, SALES!!!

You will not believe the savings this weekend at Four Echoes at Grist Mill Pond! The sale signs are hung and the excitement is building. 
We’re celebrating our first year in business and thanking our customers…special savings throughout the shoppe, prizes, refreshments, photobooth, and more! Shop Saturday 9-5, Sunday 12-5, and Monday 12-5.
Tell a friend–they’ll thank you for it!

500+ Facebook LIKES!

Woohoo! Might as well add this to our celebrating this weekend! Thanks for spreading the word about Four Echoes Vintage Shoppe…we just reached 500 Facebook followers! Let’s make it 600 by the end of our Birthday Celebration Weekend! Share our page with your friends and invite them to be part of the Four Echoes Story. Stop by this weekend and tag us with a photo in the Four Echoes Photobooth for an additional raffle ticket for prizes!


Fantastic Spring Merchandise for Mother’s Day

Although it might not feel like spring (still), we’ve got all the cheery spring decor you need to brighten your day and your home. From colorful glassware to beautiful clay planters and vintage lawn and garden tools…you’ll find it here in time for Mother’s Day.





Stop by this week to find the perfect something for all the moms in your life. We’re open for shopping Monday 11-5, Tuesday and Thursday 11-7pm, Friday 11-5 and 9-5 Saturday! OR–treat your mom to lunch at The Old Grist Mill Tavern and a day of shopping at Four Echoes on Mother’s Day! We’re open 12-5 on Sunday.


11 NEW vendors in April!

YES–you read that correctly–11 new vendors in April! Add that to the seven that joined us in March and we have a rockin’ full shoppe! (Currently at rental capacity–but contact us for information about being added to the wait list.) We added shelving for 10 new vendors and they filled them with some fantastic treasures and finds. You’ll want to stop by this weekend and shop all of the great merchandise to add a hint of spring joy to your home.


Another rainy day? It’s bright and happy at Four Echoes!

Yep, it’s raining again. It might not be a beautiful day to get outside and play in your gardens, but its a fantastic day to shop at Four Echoes FOR your garden. Our vendors have been bringing in spring and garden decor and fun new merchandise all week. Let us brighten your day a little a Four Echoes!

Spring Grounds Clean-up at Four Echoes

We’re definitely celebrating warmer days and spring poking through the drab colors of winter. As it often does, winter has left behind its mark. So…we’re gathering together as a community to clean up the ground at Four Echoes. There are sticks and leaves to be raked, weeds to be pulled, and mulch to be spread. There are a few stone walls to be repaired and shrubs to be trimmed. We’d love for you to join us this Sunday April 14, 1-4 and/or Wednesday April 17, 10-2.

Also, all are welcome to join us for church service Sunday morning and a special Community Breakfast at Stone Coast Community Church (10am) before the clean up–Just want to be sure everyone is well nourished before we start!

Any questions, call the shoppe at 508.336.0800 or email at

SoleCare: Homeless Shoe Project

One of the four initiatives of Town Square Partners (the outreach ministry of Stone Coast Community Church) is bringing hope and dignity to homeless individuals in our community. We do this through several projects throughout the year in various forms. A need of the homeless that often goes unmet are properly fitting, safe footwear. We have teamed up with Matthewson Street Church, who feed dozens of homeless folks weekly, to gather names, sizes, and desired shoe type of the homeless in Providence, RI.

This Easter season, we are striving to provide new shoes to over  100 people in need in Providence. You can be part of bringing dignity and hope to those in need by donating to this cause. Here’s how:

1. Stop by Four Echoes at Grist Mill Pond and visit our SoleCare Display.

2. Choose a name of a person with a corresponding pair of new shoes (we did the shopping for you).

3. Write a note of encouragement and hope to your recipient.

4. Bring the shoes to the front desk and donate $25. (If you can not afford to provide the full $25, you may donate any denomination to this project–together we can make a difference.)

5. We’ll distribute the shoes to each person at the community breakfast at Matthewson Street Church on April 14.

Four Echoes is proud to team up with our customers and vendors to make a difference in our community. Thank you for being part of our mission!